Join the INCA TRAIL Clean Up Campaign to help preserve the ancient trail, Route 05 Chachabamba-Wiñaywayna. Protect an incredible cultural and environmental heritage in Peru!
The Inca Trail Clean Up Campaign for Route 05 from Chachabamba to Wiñaywayna is an important initiative aimed at preserving the Historic Sanctuary of Machu Picchu. Led by the head of the sanctuary, supported by the National Service of Protected Areas (SERNANP), and in collaboration with key companies operating the Inca Trail, this campaign ensures the conservation of the area and enhances the experience for hikers.
Starting at the Chachabamba checkpoint, the SERNANP team and participating agencies meticulously cleaned the route towards the Wiñaywayna archaeological center. This trek takes about 2 hours and passes through 18 campsites, where hikers spend their last night before reaching the ancient city of Machu Picchu after a 4-day hike.
The cleaning work, which lasted for approximately 4 hours, involved active involvement from companies like SUNRISE PERU TREK Travel & Tours. Significant amounts of waste were collected from the campsites and properly treated at km 106.
At SUNRISE PERU TREK Travel & Tours, we take great pride in our commitment to providing excellent service while contributing to environmental conservation. Participating in such cleaning campaigns aligns with our institutional objective of promoting sustainable development within our industry.
Why Clean Up Campaign of the Inca Trail is important?
The Clean Up Campaign of the Inca Trail is an incredibly important initiative that ensures not only the safety and sustainability of this historic path but also preserves its beauty for future generations to enjoy. The Inca Trail in Peru is one of the most renowned ancient paths on earth, used by millennia-old civilizations to travel throughout the continent. To this day, it remains a popular destination for hikers who come from around the world to experience its breathtaking views and steep climbs.
The trail passes through unique ecosystems with a variety of native plants, many of which are endangered species. Unfortunately, increased tourism has had a devastating effect on these fragile environments; visitors often leave behind trash or contaminate our natural resources with pollutants such as gasoline and oil products. The sheer number of people passing through makes it difficult for local authorities to keep up with the cleanups necessary for preservation purposes. This is why initiatives like The Clean Up Campaign of the Inca Trail are so important – they help protect and conserve these habitats while making sure all visitors have access to safe experiences on their journeys.
The campaign was launched by several international organizations including EcoCultural Adventurers (ECA) whose mission is “to protect cultural heritage sites along Latin America’s trails while inspiring sustainable practices among travelers”. Since then, volunteers from various backgrounds such as archaeologists, biologists and ecologists have joined forces under this banner to launch successful clean-up campaigns throughout Peru’s iconic destinations including Machu Picchu, Sacsayhuaman and other sites in Cusco city itself! These brave individuals do what needs to be done – collect plastic bottles discarded along footpaths; pick up discarded garbage; remove broken glass bottles left behind in campsites or scattered across roadsides etc. All materials collected during these efforts are properly disposed of ensuring that all efforts undertaken meet environmental standards set out by Peruvian regulations. In addition, volunteers educate hike enthusiasts about best practices when visiting sacred sites like Machu Picchu where full respect should be given towards both nature’s delicate biodiversity & cultural norms so that we can avoid any potential conflicts between modern culture & tradition thus avoiding further damage being inflicted onto our beloved heritage site!
With over 10 million tourists going through Peru every year – A big part comes just to experience Machu Picchu & connected attractions – It’s extremely essential that we continue contributing towards initiatives like ECA´s Clean Up Campaign of The Inca trail raising awareness among everyone involved about importance proper disposal habits if we want ensure sustainable levels tourism without subjecting our environment even more assaults though careless disregard. We must recognize how vital preserving places like Machu Picchu really are in terms immortalizing grandeur human civilization at its peak times. Let us use power knowledge, collective effort dedication turns vision eco-conscious into reality!
Inca Trail Sustainability
The Inca Trail is a remarkable journey that embodies the concept of sustainability. It is a path that not only enhances the quality of human life but also respects and preserves the delicate balance of our ecosystems. As we venture along this trail, we demonstrate our deep reverence for nature, the diverse living beings we coexist with, and the very planet that nurtures us – our Pachamama, our Mother Earth.
Eco-friendly Company
SUNRISE PERU TREK Travel & Tours is an eco-friendly company with a strong commitment to sustainability. We believe in the concept of “Ayni” – a sacred reciprocity in the Andes. As part of our ongoing efforts, we are actively involved in social projects, including the Clean Up Campaign and other Beautification Projects. Join us on the Inca Trail and experience our dedication to preserving the environment firsthand.